Welcome to JBLab (Cheil Vascular Research Institute). Since 2012, JBLab has conducted groundbreaking studies on hypertension and vascular diseases, established global network with other research groups to conduct joint research and to develop new diagnostics for vascular diseases. So far, we have collaborated with national and international research centers, provided education on standardized clinical studies, and exchanged knowledge on statistical analysis and data management. We contribute to national and international efforts to increase the value of our research by sharing our data and findings with other research organizations through workshops and symposiums.
The future of health care and medicine is changing rapidly. In the future, medical service is expected to provide big-data oriented treatment and prevention methods that are tailor-made for each individual’s needs and symptoms. We are also committed to focus on early detection and prevention of vascular diseases including hypertension and develop a solution that can provide personalized service for each individual. To this end, we conduct various forms of clinical research, research method development, network kerning through symposia, big data management and analysis and apply all the knowledges on clinical prevention and treatment.
We believe this effort will be helpful to provide personalized treatment and prevention for vascular diseases. We appreciate your interests and encouragement.
2015. 10. 1
Jeong Bae Park, MD, PhD