JBLab (Cheil Vascular Research Institute)
enhance the health and quality of life of patients with cardiovascular diseases
through valuable studies and education


The publications listed within this section represent a sampling of scientific papers, abstracts and presentations that JBLab
Faculty have authored and that are the direct result of clinical research conducted at JBLab.

  • Park JB, Schiffrin EL. Effects of antihypertensive therapy on hypertensive vascular disease. Curr Hypertens Reports 2000;2:280-288.
  • Park JB, Intengan HD, Schiffrin EL. Reduction of Resistance Artery Stiffness by Treatment with the AT1 Receptor Antagonist Losartan in Essential Hypertension. J Renin Angiotens System 2000 ;1:40-45
  • Schiffrin EL, Park JB, Intengan HD. Touyz RM. Correction of Arterial Structure and Endothelial Dysfunction in Human Essential Hypertension by the Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist Losartan. Circulation 2000;101:1653-1659
  • Intengan HD, Park JB, Schiffrin EL. Blood Pressure and Small Arteries in DOCA-salt-treated Genetically AVP-deficient Rats: role of endothelin. Hypertension. 1999;34(4 Pt 2):907-13.
  • Park JB*, Shin HH. The determinants of the magnitude of blood pressure in essential hypertension. Korean J Med. 1998;55:832-839.
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