enhance the health and quality of life of patients with cardiovascular diseases through valuable studies and education
The publications listed within this section represent a sampling of scientific papers, abstracts and presentations that JBLab
Faculty have authored and that are the direct result of clinical research conducted at JBLab.
Park JB, Schiffrin EL. Effects of antihypertensive therapy on hypertensive vascular disease. Curr Hypertens Reports 2000;2:280-288.
Park JB, Intengan HD, Schiffrin EL. Reduction of Resistance Artery Stiffness by Treatment with the AT1 Receptor Antagonist Losartan in Essential Hypertension. J Renin Angiotens System 2000 ;1:40-45
Schiffrin EL, Park JB, Intengan HD. Touyz RM. Correction of Arterial Structure and Endothelial Dysfunction in Human Essential Hypertension by the Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist Losartan. Circulation 2000;101:1653-1659
Intengan HD, Park JB, Schiffrin EL. Blood Pressure and Small Arteries in DOCA-salt-treated Genetically AVP-deficient Rats: role of endothelin. Hypertension. 1999;34(4 Pt 2):907-13.
Park JB*, Shin HH. The determinants of the magnitude of blood pressure in essential hypertension. Korean J Med. 1998;55:832-839.