enhance the health and quality of life of patients with cardiovascular diseases through valuable studies and education
The publications listed within this section represent a sampling of scientific papers, abstracts and presentations that JBLab
Faculty have authored and that are the direct result of clinical research conducted at JBLab.
Yoon HJ, Ahn Y, Park JB, Park CG, Youn HJ, Choi DJ, Shin JH, Kim DW, Rim SJ, Bae JH; on behalf of Korean Hypertension Research Network. Are Metabolic Risk Factors and Target Organ Damage More Frequent in Masked Hypertension Than in White Coat Hypertension? Clin Exp Hypertens. 2010;32(7):480-485. (IF, 1.142)
Park JB, Normal versus abnormal central hemodynamics in the Korean population. Korean Circ J. 2010 Apr;40(4):163-4.
Lee KN, Park CG, Chok CU, Lim HE, Kim EJ, Rha W-W, Seo HS, Oh DJ, Park JB. Gap between guideline and real practice: treatment in patients with hypertension. Korean Hypertens J 2010;16(1)43-50
Song BG, Park JB, Cho SJ, Lee SY, Kim JH, Choi SM, Park JH, Park YH, Choi J-O, Lee S-C, Park SW. Pulse wave velocity is more closely associated with cardiovascular risk than augmentation index in the relatively low-risk population. Heart Vessels 2009;24:413-418 (IF. 1.882)
Cha M-J, Lee H-Y, Ahn S-V, Han K-R, Park J-B, Lim S-J, Hyun M-S, Kim Y-K, Kim C-H, Hong S-P, Jun J-E. Prevalence and clinical characteristics of metabolic syndrome in Korean hypertensive patients Korean Hypertension J 2009;15(4):3